Friday, October 22, 2010

Getting My Groove On

Sometimes I have to step back and say "Holy Cow, I baked a lot"! And then I think about all those days that I did that and think, "remember this when you are feeling low"! This week, my dessert cases were the fullest they have ever been. I had 8 kinds of cookies, pumpkin bars, three kinds of jumbo cupcakes, marshmellow bars, s'more bars, candies, and more! It was so gratifying to feel like I was ahead of the curve/crowd and I was so proud to have visitors come to the bakery this week! I must be getting my groove going.

A lot of other stuff got also done this week and it makes me feel like I'm moving towards having a "real" place of business! My business cards FINALLY got done (and ma'an are they cute), my computer got set up, my internet got set up ( here I come!!!!!!), my wireless router got installed (for my customers to use), my voicemail got set up (and USED!!!!), etc. I'm like official or something now!

Feels good to accomplish stuff. Feels even better when you work really hard and then life starts to catch up to you!


  1. Have I missed the official Grand Opening?

  2. Hi Ms. Merry -- no we didn't have our Grand Opening yet...I'm hoping too, but seems I can never catch up enough!
