OK! We will! And we did!
Now, we don't accept tips - that's just plain silly. But what we did do with all that extra "keep the change" change, is put it in a jar and it just kept adding up. It's been 3 1/2 months since we started keeping that change and today we donated $38.80 to the Lion's Club of Genesee!! How sa-weet is that ?!
They came to get the money today and asked what I would like them to do with the money. My response was simply this -- that we chose the Lion's Club to donate to because they keep ALL of their donations here, locally, in our little town, to help our little residence in the Genesee area. So, pick a project and put it towards that. He thinks that they will be able to replace a piece of concrete at our sweet park that is need of repair with this donation OR they may use it to buy toys for the area underprivileged for this year's Christmas. It just keeps getting sweeter!
And who says change can't make a change?
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