Saturday, September 4, 2010

God Just Keeps Shining Down on Me!

When my husband and I started this whole "I should start a bakery" idea in May, I kept seeing little signs from God that I was making the right decisions and he kept sending me "gifts" as I call them. First was finding this quaint, little place to PUT a bakery (and with a FANTASTIC landlord at that). Followed up by the enthusiastic "how soon can you open" response by the town committee. Then I found a mixer and other equipment (used) that I could afford and all were in fabulous condition (not to mention the lovely families that I bought it all from). Fast forward to opening day and with nothing more than a poster board in the window, I was overwhelmed by visitors and customers to my new little sassy bakery!

Then this....

A sweet little bakery in Rochester does not want to bake as much anymore as they want to be more of a full service restaurant/diner. Well, I got a call early on in the week from the owner telling me that he "heard" that I may want a refrigerated bakery case and that he would sell it to me very cheap. Well, I don't really have room -- I suppose I could fit a small, say 4' case, but it would be tight. It would fit, but it would be as big as it could be.

Guess what my husband is picking up tomorrow? I KNOW, RIGHT?! Frank and Nancy just really want their case to "go to a good home" and I couldn't be more grateful to them. I have so many wonderful things that I would want to bake and put in the case -- my own cheesecakes, tortes, cream desserts, and on and on and on...Just another blessing from God in my opinion.

Now to find the time to get all that baking done! We're selling so much to all these lovely customers (and boy do I mean that!) that I can't keep up. Well, I'll find a way I tell you! But for now, I think I shall not beat myself up about that to close our first week and instead reflect on all the treasures that I have been blessed with in our first week of business.

Seems like I know what my post tomorrow should be about?! :o)

Sweet Dreams!


  1. I love that Sally is on a first name basis with everyone.
    Three cheers for Frank and Nancy!

  2. You are already loved in this tiny town!!
    Sally, you sure have tons of "sunshine"!! God definitely has blessed you with many lovely things and you are a wonderful addition to Genesee Depot!
